Welcome to Longhoughton Parish’s Neighbourhood Plan web site. It has been established so that residents and other interested parties can obtain an understanding and information on the progress of the Plan. Overall it may take around five years to complete and at the end of that time all residents will get the opportunity to vote on the plan. The plan is about the use of land within the Parish over the period from 2023 to 2036 for things like housing, business and tourism development, recreation and sports areas, the protection of heritage and environmental assets such as the AONB, and for community facilities that require land. Once the plan is approved, all planning applications for the Parish will have to comply with the policies contained in the plan.
The Parish Council would like all residents to have the opportunity to contribute to the plan and have a hand in shaping the next thirteen years of Longhoughton Parish.
Latest consultation (September 2023 – Pre-submission draft of the Plan) can be found Here