

September 2023 – Pre-submission draft of the Plan

Full details of the Pre-submission draft of the Plan can be found Here

The online Response Form can be found Here

Or you can download the Response Form and fill in and return it with full details how to do that Here

***** NOTE: The online response form is now closed but retained for reference *****

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Previous consultations below 

December 2021 – Settlement Boundaries – Information and supporting documentation here and Questionnaire here

June 2021 Neighbourhood Plan Results & Comments Here


The following consultations have taken place. These produce evidence to back up the proposed Neighbourhood Development Plan. Click here to obtain a copy of the final evidence from the June 2019 consultation.

2017 Boulmer Survey and Review here

Boulmer Survey and Review 2017

Second homes and holiday lets are threatening the sustainability of the village at 40%.

New Housing Chancel Place

Any new housing should be affordable housing only –
restricted to people who live and work in the area.

Economic Development/Retail/Tourism
67% support small businesses provided no impact on village.

Natural Environment, Built Environment, Recreation, Open Spaces and Connectivity
Support for unspoiled Boulmer and for the AONB.

Access to Services, Shops, Doctor’s Surgery, Hospital, Public Transport
No personal transport – 2 households.
Need for High Speed Broadband.

Interest in renewable energy.

2018 Longhoughton Survey and Review here

Longhoughton Survey and Review 2018

There is a need for a Strategic Plan.
Recent development has taken place without investment in the infrastructure and community facilities,
An urgency to make changes.

71% consider we should embrace new housing for it makes the village more sustainable.

Northside Properties

Economic Development, Retail, Tourism.
High support for the Café/Bistro/Pub/post office counter/toilets.
Over 50% in favour of new businesses linked to tourism.
Support for Retail Spar site and Hairdresser.

Natural Environment, Built Environment, Recreation, Open Spaces and Connectivity.
Lack of connectivity between Estates – a health and safety and a social issue.
Recreational areas are considered very important.
68% consider that the old Recreational field should be retained and developed.
Otherwise enough recreational spaces.
Support for conservation of the environment and the AONB.
More footpaths will help connectivity and tourism.

Community Facilities, Infrastructure, Amenity, Sports and Social.
Identified need for additional social and learning opportunities.
80% in favour of a MUGA.
60% in favour of a drop-in facility for older teenagers.
94% supported more activities for older people.

Access to Services, Shops, Doctor’s Surgery, Hospitals, Public Transport
37% report poor Broadband speeds.
9 respondents report difficulty getting access to services.

54% consider that the Surgery facilities are not adequate for their needs.

2019 Howick Survey and Review here

Howick Survey and Review 2019 – Summary of the Consultation

Response – Ten residents responded to the consultation which is 14% of the population after allowing for empty properties and absences.

Facilities –  Six out of ten thought that the facilities in Howick/Longhoughton met their needs.  There was support for a ‘drop–in centre’ for young people in Longhoughton but little enthusiasm for a Multiple Use Games Area. There was support for new activities for retired people.

Health Facilities – six out of ten thought that the health facilities in Longhoughton were not adequate for their needs.

Access and adequacy of the Mobile Phone Network – seven out of ten said that the network at Howick is poor.

Access to Superfast Broadband – There was a mixed response to this question.

Public Transport Adequacy –  nine out of ten ‘did not know’ which may indicate that they depend upon personal transport.

Roads, Pavements and Road Safety –  Forty percent of responses thought that these were in good repair but an equal number thought that most were in need of urgent repair.

Dog Poo – Seventy percent thought that there was not a problem with dog poo but thirty percent thought there was.

Living in Howick – All respondents felt that they are secure in Howick.

Communications – Sixty percent feel to be well informed but twenty percent do not.

Community Involvement – Only forty percent considered that they can influence local decisions.

2019 June – Housing Needs Survey here

2020 January – Vision, Objectives and Planning Themes – The outcomes are set out below:

Thank you to all residents who have sent in their completed questionnaires and those who attended any of the four drop-in events at Boulmer, Howick and Longhoughton. The following is a summary of the views and comments expressed.


93 percent were in favour of the vision. One resident considered that there should be more reference to the conservation of wildlife and species especially in view of Climate Change. Others thought that it was very important to maintain the essential character of the villages and that any developments should be of the right quality and appropriate design. It was questioned whether the Parish Council has the expertise to do the Plan and whether it is needed.  Comment on these points is given below. The overall the view was that the vision is well balanced.


93 percent were in favour of the objectives. Significant support for quality development of an appropriate scale to achieve a sustainable community and particularly the maintenance of essential services. The preservation of heritage and character for future generations was suggested as an obligation. In relation to the environment more emphasis should be given to increasing species and habitats.  Second homes and holiday lets need to be restricted especially at Boulmer. More information was requested on the conservation designations for the coast. This is included below.

Planning themes

90 percent were in favour of the planning themes. Some thought they were too high level. Affordable (low cost) housing for local people was thought to be a priority with appropriate accommodation for young families and older people.  The green infrastructure should be developed  for cycling and walkers and this could provide opportunities for the creation of small businesses. Some thought that there should be more information to advise tourists and visitors of the heritage and wild life.

Areas for development and protection

Sites at Boulmer and Longhoughton were nominated to be designated as ‘Green Spaces’. Affordable housing should be spread around rather than in one place. There should be a designated site in Longhoughton for small offices. It was thought essential to safeguard the natural, historic and environment of the area and to improve the meadows along the cost for flora and fauna. Support for green routes including the green-necklace in Longhoughton.

Other issues the plan should cover

Transport was a popular issue, particularly to the Station at Hipsburn and the suggestion of a tourists shuttle from Amble to Bamburgh. More trees and improved habitats for wild life and improved footpaths and cycle routes between the villages. Improved facilities in Longhoughton including the development of the ex Spar site. The need to deal with speeding traffic and car parking. Creating the opportunities for employment is essential for young people and this will help to balance the aging population.

Howick to Seaton Point – Conservation Designations

The Northumberland coast and its rare species are well protected with World, European and English protection designations. The coast in the Parish of Longhoughton, from Howick to Seaton Point, is covered by a world-standard RAMSAR designation that covers wetland species and habitats. It is also classified as a European Special Protection Area (SPA) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Both these designations protect rare and vulnerable birds and regularly occurring migratory species both on the coast and inland. Additionally, in England it is classified as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The whole coast from Holy Island to Amble is of course classified as the Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding Beauty, meaning that it is given extra protection to conserve the area for its natural beauty, species and habitats.

Neighbourhood Plans  – Who is doing them

Since 2011 when  the legislation came in for Parish and Town Councils to do Neighbourhood Plans more and more have taken up the option. In Northumberland alone there are 9 parishes that have approved plans, with another 6 in the final stages and another 22 in the process of producing a plan. These include our neighbours, Lesbury, Craster, Embleton and Alnwick/Denwick.

Neighbourhood plans are essentially about local issues that are not covered in the Northumberland wide plan and they are a way of putting the community in charge of how land is used.

In the preparation of the Longhoughton plan there will be more consultations on the contents of the plan and when we have a final draft plan it will be put out to all households for consultation. Final approval will be in the hands of registered voters in the Parish when it goes to a referendum.

Professional Help in Producing the Neighbourhood Plan

The Government provides grants for Parish Councils to engage qualified planners to help write technical part of the Neighbourhood Plan. In Longhoughton we have appointed Jo-Anne Garrick Ltd. Jo-Anne has extensive experience in planning and advising on Neighbourhood Plans. She will be writing some of the technical papers needed for the plan and will put together draft policies based on the evidence that has been compiled from the consultations and Ward reviews. Northumberland County Council is also giving advice to the Parish Council on compiling the plan.

Next steps

The Steering Group will review all the comments and views expressed through the Consultation and make any adjustment they consider necessary to the Vision, Objectives and draft planning themes. The next stage for consultation will be the nomination of sites for development including housing, tourism, green spaces. A further round of consultation will take place on these suggestions.

Church of St Peter & St Paul Longhoughton

Newsletter Announcements

The Boulmer, Howick and Longhoughton Villages bi-monthly Community Newsletter, issued by Longhoughton Parish Council and delivered to all households has been used to inform residents of developments relating to the Neighbourhood Development Plan. The following information has been given in the Newsletter: Click on the link for the monthly Newsletter

October 2018 here –The Parish Council is considering compiling a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)

December 2018 here – Decision taken to produce an NDP with details of content and governance

February 2019 here – Steering Group Formed, an appeal for more members, details of projects

April 2019 here – Vision and Objectives, Housing Needs Survey, web site and vacancies

June 2019 here – Housing Needs Survey and the new web site

August 2019 here – Vision and Objectives

October 2019 here – Housing Needs Survey feedback

December 2019 here  Latest developments and action plan for early 2020

February 2020 hereFeedback from the latest consultation

April 2020  – here  – Progress Update and reference to Green Spaces

June 2020 –  here  – Progress Update

August 2020here – Road safety issues

October 2020 – here – Progress updates

December 2020 – here  – Further progress to report

February 2021 – here  – Further progress to report

April 2021 – here  – Further progress to report

June 2021 – here  – Further progress to report

August 2021 –  here Further progress to report

October 2021 – here  – Further progress to report

December 2021 – here  – Further progress to report

April 2022 – here  – Further progress to report

June 2022 – here   – Further progress to report

August 2022 – here – Further progress to report

October 2022 – here – Further progress to report

December 2022 – here   – Further progress to report

February 2023 – here – Further progress to report

April 2023 –  here  – Further progress to report

June 2023 – here  – Further progress to report

August 2023 – Here  – Further progress to report

October 2023 – Here  – Further progress to report

December 2023 – Here  – Further progress to report

February 2024 – Here  – Responses and actions to report

April 2024 – Here  – Responses and actions to report

June 2024 – Here  – Responses and actions to report

Annual 2023-2024 Report issued June  2024 – Here  – Responses and actions to report
