Information on Neighbourhood Planning
What is Neighbourhood Planning?
• Neighbourhood planning is a way of communities being actively involved with the future development of their local area.
• It gives local communities the opportunity to plan their designated area, by writing their own development plans. This gives more power to communities by being involved at a local level in planning, getting the right kind of development in the right place and voted on by a community referendum.
• This will enable those who live and work in a designated area the right to choose where they want new homes, offices and shops to be built, what they should look like along with the protection of open spaces and heritage assets.
Why does neighbourhood planning matter?
• The local planning system helps to decide what gets built, when and where. This process is vital for economic growth whilst protecting the natural environment and improving the communities quality of life. It encourages the right kind of development in the right location.
• Through the Localism Act 2011 the Government has given communities the choice to be involved in local planning by giving the power back to local people, businesses and councils.
• The plan must be in conformity with the Northumberland Local Plan.
What is the background?
• The Localism Act 2011 provided a new statutory regime for neighbourhood planning introduced through the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012 which provide the legal framework within which neighbourhood plans must comply?
What the Plan Cannot do!
• Neighbourhood Plans cannot decide on Greenbelt boundaries, or overall housing numbers; most highway matters and quality of roads. These are matters for the Local Planning Authority, Northumberland County Council.
How does it work?
Simply there are 5 basic stages in the process
• Identify the plan area
• Preparing the plan
• Independent examination
• Community Referendum
• Legal Status
How long can this take?
The process can take between 2-5 years
Who approves the Plan
Throughout the preparation of the Plan residents will be consulted on the proposals contained in it and evidence will be drawn from the village Surveys and Reviews that have taken place at Boulmer (2017), Longhoughton (2018) and Howick (2019). The Plan will reflect the evidence obtained from surveys and consultations with residents. The final draft of the Plan will be subject to independent examination by a Planning professional. Once this is achieved and the Plan updated for any recommended changes it will be the subject of a referendum by the community. For it to be adopted more than 50 percent of those voting must vote in favour of the Plan.
How will it be used?
All planning applications for the Parish involving land use must comply with the policies contained in the Plan. Northumberland County Council Planning Department will check to ensure that any planning applications for the Parish comply with the policies contained in the Plan.
What Time Frame does the Plan cover?
The Plan will cover the period from 2023 to 2036, It will be reviewed and the content considered for update every five years.
Who has initiated this Plan?
Longhoughton Parish Council has initiated the development of the NDP and will approve each stage of the Plan as it moves towards the referendum. It has delegated the preparation of the Plan to a Steering Group consisting of Parish Councillors and representatives of the community.
Who else has a Plan?
Many Parish and Town Councils in Northumberland have either published their plan or are in the process of developing it. Alnwick & Denwick, Lesbury, Embleton, Craster and Alnmouth have all completed their plans. Others Parish Councils such as Warkworth are going through the process of putting their plans together.
Longhoughton Parish Council is now approaching a formal consultation on their Pre-Submission draft of the Neighbourhood Plan. This will take place between 29.09.23 and 13.11.23. Details of the Consultation are included under the heading of Consultations Here